Inspired by Decentralized Finance and platforms like IPFS, our founder, Maxwell Koegler, set out to create the first major cloud storage competitor. Pulling from open source projects, the first incomplete POC was created using a legacy geth framework, and an automated deployment via batchfile. Eventually, in August of 2024, the POC was released to this webserver, giving the whole world a glimpse into the future of redundant and private data storage.
Our Mission
At Chainspace, we aim to revolutionize the data storage industry by providing unseen levels of privacy, security, and authenticity. We hope that by providing customers with secure and isolated data storage infrastructure, we can prevent censorship and negate the countless other vulnerabilities associated with cloud storage. We believe that only an owner should be able to view their digital property, and that only friends, family, and peers should be trusted to secure it.
Why Choose Us
Only one person can view your digital property. YOU.
Encrypted copies are stored and secured, but only by trusted peers.
Hands off
Even though we help initiate the network, we have no ability to view encrypted data.
Performance monitoring enables a consistently quick service speed.